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  • July 03, 2024Watch The X22 Report On VideoNo videos foundClick On Picture To See Larger PictureBiden says the quiet part out loud, they have expanded energy shortages. ADP job numbers are below expectations. Manufactures tricking customers. [DS] ready to manipulate Bitcoin before the election. The [DS] is now leaking all information so people understand that Biden needs to be removed. They are now playing up the battle, the fake news has been instructed to go after Biden in full force so the people in their party understand he needs to be removed. At the same time they are propping up [KH] to be the candidate after Biden is nominated. Then they will do the change of batter. Trump begins the narrative, they spied on my campaign.EconomyBiden Says the Quiet Part Out Loud, Claims He’s Investing Billions to “Expand Energy Shortages” (VIDEO)Bidenannounceda “White House summer on extreme heat.”“Later this summer my administration will convene the first-ever White House summer on extreme heat bringing together state, local, tribal and territorial leaders and international partners who are protecting communities and workers from extreme weather,” Biden said.Biden slipped and said the quiet part out loud.“We’ve invested billions to enhance our power grid. Expand energy shortages so that lights, air conditioning, refrigeration, and internet stay on during heat waves and other climate change…” Biden said.Biden is right. The Green New Deal he signed dubbed, “The Inflation Reduction Act” will expand energy shortages.Source: thegatewaypundit.comADP Payrolls Disappoint In June – 3rd Straight Monthly Decline In AdditionsADP reported 150k job additions in June (well below the 165k expected) – the third straight monthly decline in job additions and the weakest since January…Source: BloombergEven ADP’s top economist couldn’t spin it…“Job growth has been solid, but not broad-based. Had it not been for a rebound in hiring in leisure and hospitality, June would have been a downbeat month,”said Nela Richardson Chief Economist, ADP.. Source: zerohedge.comMajor Brands Push ‘Upflation’ Gimmick To Drive Up SalesUS consumers have been well aware ofthe ‘shrinkflation’ phenomenon in recent years, but now there’s a new emerging trend: Some of theworld’s largest packaged goods makers are getting very creative by rebranding existing products for expanding uses, then marked upsubstantially, and marketed in a way to trick consumers about some new blockbuster innovation. This is happening at a time when consumers are pulling back spending, and the goal of the new sales tactic is to drive more revenue with less.Bloomberg’sLeslie Patton and Deena Shankerpenned a note explaining howpackaged goods giants arequickly adopting a new strategy after years of ‘shrinkflation’ – called ‘upflation’ – an attempt tocreate new applications with existing products.Source: BloombergSource: BloombergSource: zerohedge.com3 In 4 Americans Say They’re Not Financially Secure, New Report ShowsAccording to a new Bankratereport, three in four Americans say they are not financially secure, and feel they need to make more money to attain an acceptable level of financial security.In the study by YouGov,Americans said they needed to make $186,000 on average to feel financially secure – more than twice the $79,209 the Census Bureau reported the average full-time worker made in 2022.Source: zerohedge.comBitcoin under pressure over defunct Mt. Gox repayments – CNBCThe price of Bitcoin could be affected by the upcoming repayments to thousands of victims in the 2014 heist on the now defunct Mt. Gox virtual currency exchange, experts cited by CNBC believe.Bitcoin, the world’s largest cryptocurrency, tumbled below $60,000 last week, marking its second-worst weekly decline of the year.On Monday, the bankrupt Mt. Gox exchange, which is based in Tokyo, announced that it will start distributing the stolen assets in the first week of July. It is expected to return more than 140,000 Bitcoin worth almost $9 billion.“Many will clearly cash out and enjoy the fact that having their assets stuck in the Mt. Gox bankruptcy was the best investment they ever made,”John Glover, chief investment officer of crypto lending firm Ledn, said.“Some will clearly choose to take the money and run,”he said.Source: rt.comPolitical/RightsSpineless Republicans Fail Again: Rep. Luna Proposes Mere $10K Daily Fine for Garland Instead of Immediate Arrest After GOP Pushback — Rep. Luna RespondsThe House had previously voted216 to 207to hold Garland in contempt for failing to hand over the Robert Hur audio tape of his interview with President Joe Biden. The lone Republican siding with Democrats was Rep. David Joyce from Ohio.After promising to direct the House sergeant-at-arms to take Garland into custody, Luna has proposed a daily fine of $10,000 until Garland complies with their subpoena.On Wednesday, Rep. Luna warned Garland that he has until Friday morning to turn over tapes or be taken into custody.“Why should the attorney general, who is supposed to be head of all law enforcement authorities, be any different? Garland still has time to comply with this request. We are asking that he bring the tapes to the house and let us listen to them, but in the event that he does not, we will press forward with calling the privilege motion on Inherent Contempt to the floor on Friday morning,” Rep. Luna said in apress conference.On Friday, instead of bringing a privilege motion on inherent contempt to the floor, Rep. Luna introduced a resolution to impose a daily fine of $10,000 on Garland until he complies.A source familiar with the situation revealed that she agreed to postpone the move after discussing it with Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La). Luna later confirmed on X that she plans to call for the vote next week,Fox Newsreported.According to theresolutionfiled on Friday:Resolved,That—(1) Merrick Garland, Attorney General of the United States, is found in contempt of the House of Representatives for disobeying the February 27, 2024, subpoena; and(2) Attorney General Garland shall be fined$10,000per day until he complies with the subpoena.Source: thegatewaypundit.comGeopolitical/Police StateWithout Shame: Former Obama/Biden Official Says the Quiet Part Out Loud in Op-Ed- ‘The First Amendment Is Out of Control’Columbia law professor Tim WuAnyone paying attention already knows that the left thinks the First Amendment goes too far. And by going too far, they mean letting conservatives share their opinions and hamstringing the government’s ability to crack down on speech they don’t like.Tim Wu, a Columbia law professor who served on the National Economic Council during both the Obama and Biden administrations, wrote an op-ed for The New York Times literally titled“The First Amendment is Out of Control.”His piece argues that American judges have twisted the First Amendment into “an all-purpose tool of legislative nullification that now mostly protects corporate interests.”To leftists like Wu, the First Amendment has outlived its usefulness and purpose because it can’t silence speech he doesn’t like. He sees 1A as a “barrier” to government action and overreach.Isn’t that a good thing?https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1808168603721650364?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1808168603721650364%7Ctwgr%5E5d907bf0424665b11cb7a92f04ef1ae6e29440fd%7Ctwcon%5Es1_c10&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.thegatewaypundit.com%2F2024%2F07%2Fwithout-shame-former-obama-biden-official-says-quiet%2FSource: thegatewaypundit.comBlinken Bets Big on AI to Combat “Misinformation”(Reclaim The Net)—The current US secretary of state, Anthony Blinken, has revealed that his department is testing AI-based tools as a way to fight “misinformation.”The second part of the push to equip the State Department with AI tools is to – “strengthen this institution.”According to Blinken, his department is a leader within the government when it comes to testing and “harnessing” the technology. Some reports speak about this as combating whatever happens to be considered foreign disinformation.“We have one program that we’re using that is able to basically ingest a million articles every day from around the world — to be able to do that in a couple hundred countries in over a hundred languages — and then immediately translate, synthesize and give you a clear picture of what’s happening in the information space immediately,” the secretary is quoted as saying.Translation: we have developed AI and trained it to push the narrative we want, we will sell this tool to companies to censor people on the internet.Source: reclaimthenet.orgWarhttps://twitter.com/sentdefender/status/1808113360912752659the “NATO Security Assistance and Training for Ukraine” that would see nearly 700 U.S. and NATO Servicemembers take over much of the American-Led Mission on the Directing and Logistics of providing Military Aid to Ukraine since the Russian Invasion in 2022. With this Mission reported to be an attempt by NATO to “Trump-Proof” any further Aid to Ukraine, who Officials are Fearing may Partially or Totally-Cut Aid to Ukraine if Re-Elected as U.S. President in November.Putin ‘is prepared to SHARE Crimea with Ukraine according to new peace plan that has been presented by Russia to the US’Putin is ready to share Crimea with Ukraine, according to reportsHe sent interior minister Vladimir Kolokoltsev to the USThe plan will likely be deeply unattractive to UkraineVladimirPutinis ready to share sovereignty of Crimea withUkraine, according to an astonishing ‘new peace plan’.Source: dailymail.co.ukFalse FlagsLeftists Eat Their Own: Radical Hamas Protesters Send Letter to ‘Progressive Left,’ “We Are Not Loyal to Our Oppressors’Radical Hamas protestors are not happy with their comrades in the progressive left movement.Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) recently wrote a letter to the “progressive left,” advising them that they’re not “loyal to our oppressors” and they “demand accountability.”Even President Biden is not radical enough for these folks.They continued, “However, these are not isolated incidents;
  • July 02, 2024[JB]/[BO] Are Slick, Don’t Believe The Noise, Trump Has Them Falling Right Into The Trap – Ep. 3393Watch The X22 Report On VideoNo videos foundClick On Picture To See Larger Picture[JB]/[WEF] is falling apart right in front of their eyes, each time the try to advance it is blocked. Even in NY it is falling apart. Biden releases 1 million barrels of gas onto the market, right on schedule. Fed prepares their rate cut narrative. More and more people are transitioning into gold. The [DS] is now scrambling, everything they have done for the last many years is falling apart. The EU is being transformed right before their eyes, this cannot be stopped. [JB]/[BO] know they go to protect themselves from the fallout and make sure they are not prosecuted in the end. They are now moving to take [JB] out using the 25th to shield him against prosecution. [BO]/[HRC] will try to take back control. They are falling right into Trump’s trap.EconomyTrump-Appointed Judge Lifts Biden’s Pause On New Natural Gas ExportA federal court lifted the Biden administration’s pause on approvals for new natural gas export terminals on Monday.Judge James Cain Jr. of the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Louisiana, who wasappointedto his post by former President Donald Trump, ruled to grant an injunction against the administration’s January pause on approvals for liquefied natural gas (LNG) export terminals while ongoing litigation plays out. The LNG pause stands as one of President Joe Biden’s most aggressive climate decisions through his first term in office.Cain’s ruling was issued as part of an ongoing lawsuit brought by a coalition ofred statesagainst the federal government for the pause. The White Houseorderedthe Department of Energy (DOE) to pause new approvals for LNG export terminalsto countries with which the U.S. does not have a free trade deal while the DOEexamines the climate impacts of new export capacity alongside economic and security considerations.Source: dailycaller.comhttps://twitter.com/ExpertsPostLs/status/1807889840995983799https://twitter.com/libsoftiktok/status/1808195747495698491https://twitter.com/Fxhedgers/status/1808172993182408759cents on July 14, an increase of more than 7%. Prices for all services will rise more than 7.5%. The price hikes are part of the USPS 10-year “Delivering for America” plan intended to financially stabilize the Postal Service. Forever stamps cost 55 cents when the plan was introduced in 2021.https://twitter.com/KobeissiLetter/status/1807854679273136632would take 9.3 months to dispose of the total inventory at the current sale pace, the most since 2022. It means that the number of potential homebuyers waiting for lower prices is rising. Cracks in the housing market are emerging.Biden Admin Sells 1 Million Barrels Of Gasoline Ahead Of July 4th Holiday, But...The federal government completed the sale of 1 million barrels of gasoline from the Northeast Gasoline Supply Reserve (NGSR),Last month, the governmentannouncedit would release 42 million gallons of gas from storage facilities in Maine and New Jersey to help lower pump prices heading into the typically busy summer driving season.After receiving 19 proposals from five companies since May 21, the federal government awarded contracts to all the firms: BP (500,000 barrels), Vitol (200,000 barrels), Freepoint Commodities (100,000 barrels), George E. Warren (100,000 barrels), and Irving Oil (98,824 barrels).Gas reserves were sold at an average $2.34 per gallon.Senior administration officials touted the news as another victory for the federal government’s inflation-fighting effortsSource: zerohedge.comDeath of the Middle Class: In Joe Biden’s America, New Survey Reveals People Feel They Need to Earn Over $186,000 Annually Just to Feel SecureA new survey fromBankratereveals the sad truth about how Americans feel drowning inJoe Biden’s economy.According to the survey, Americans feel they need to earn at least $186,000 per year to feel secure in an economy hammered by high interest rates, low homeownership, rising rent and home costs, and rising consumer costs like food and gas.Unfortunately, for the vast majority of the population, only 6% of U.S. adults actually reach at least that threshold.Federaldatashows the median family income is between $51,500 and $86,000, less than half of what those polled said is needed to feel secure.ADVERTIsem*nTAnd, according to aprevious Bankratepoll, Americans aren’t looking to live lavishly. They are simply hoping to live comfortably and unburdened by financial worries.Source: thegatewaypundit.comhttps://twitter.com/KobeissiLetter/status/1808148466075394143https://twitter.com/BitcoinMagazine/status/1808124780924530893The Vast Majority Of Professional Investors Own Some GoldAWorld Gold Council surveyof 525 North American investors founda steadily growing trend of gold ownership.The survey included large institutions, consultants, and financial advisors.In 2018, 69 percent of the survey respondents said they had some allocation to gold.In the most recent survey, 85 percent reported owning some gold.Gold’s role as a “proven diversifier, especially in periods of financial turmoil and economic uncertainty” was the most commonly cited reason for increasing gold allocations with 46 percent of the sample choosing it as one of their top three reasons for holding gold.One of the things that makes gold so liquid is the fact that it is valued around the world.Whether you go to Europe, Asia, or South America, people recognize gold as a store of value. You will never be left without a buyer if you want to sell gold.Source: zerohedge.comPolitical/RightsFormer NYC Mayor Rudy Giuliani disbarred following criminal indictmentsEmbattled former Mayor Rudy Giuliani – a former prosecutor known for his work in taking down the mob in the Big Apple – can no longer practice law in New York, an appeals court ruled Tuesday.“Rudolph William Giuliani, is disbarred from the practice of law, effective immediately, and until the further order of this Court, and his name stricken from the roll of attorneys and counselors-at-law in the State of New York,” the First Department appeals court wrote in a decision released TuesdaySource: nypost.comMurder Rate in Socialist Venezuela Falls to 22-Year Low as Country’s Violent Criminals Flee to U.S.The murder rate in socialist Venezuela has fallen to a 22-year-low as violent criminals moved to the United States and other parts of the continent.The South American country, which over the past decade has suffered one of the world’s most severe economic and humanitarian crises, has seen its own population plummet as millions of Venezuelans seek opportunities elsewhere.However, this has also led to an exodus of large numbers of the country’s violent criminals, many of whom have sought “refuge” in the U.S. at the invitation of the Bien regime.The Daily Mailreports:Once deemed the world’s most dangerous city, Caracas has seen homicidesfall by a staggering 25 percent when compared to 2023, with theVenezuelan Violence Observatory registering 26.8 violent deaths per100,000 people, compared to a rate of 35.3 for every 100,000 habitants in 2022.Source: thegatewaypundit.comhttps://twitter.com/MJTruthUltra/status/1808141254019973178Is this True? No… it’s Fake• Late last night two screenshots flooded social media of Donald Trumps name in a call log, next to others making “massage appointments” • LIE # 1 First of all, the only set of documents that were released was this. https://mypalmbeachclerk.com/home/showpublisheddocument/4194/638554423710170000…• LIE #2 This call log that’s being presented as “new” is from Epstein’s black Book that came out sometime around 2016/17… nothing new. • LIE #3 Yes, calls were made by Trump (or associates), But look at the time stamps or surrounding appointments… November 2004. —— During this time, Trump was knowingly entangled with Epstein in a nasty exchange and bidding war over the auction of a nursing home, the Magnate Abe. —— WAPO even reported on this, Quote… ”It is unclear whether Trump and Epstein were in contact after the house sale. That month, Trump left two messages for Epstein at his home in Palm Beach, according to records obtained by Vice News — the last known interaction between the two men.” https://washingtonpost.com/politics/donald-trump-and-jeffrey-epstein-partied-together-then-an-oceanfront-palm-beach-mansion-came-between-them/2019/07/31/79f1d98c-aca0-11e9-a0c9-6d2d7818f3da_story.html… FINAL THOUGHTS: If Trump ever did anything wrong re: Epstein, I’d be the first to call it out… but he’s done nothing wrong. Trust that if they had anything really bad on Trump, it would have long been released. So here we are again… another regurgitated and twisted lie meant to make Trump look bad. So if you see anyone posting this garbageGeopolitical/Police StateMacron Moves to Make Alliance With Far-Left to Block Le Pen’s National Rally From Obtaining Parliamentary MajorityDespite vowing to not make an alliance with the “extremist” far-left, French President Emmanuel Macron is now set to do just that in order to block Marine Le Pen’s National Rally from securing an absolute parliamentary majority.The anti-mass migration party won a third of all votes in the first round of voting, beating both Macron’s establishment centrist movement and the far-left New Popular Front.The result gave them an outside chance of securing the 289 seats required to form an absolute majority in Parliament and be in a position to enact important policies.However, despite repeatedly insisting that the far-left were as “extremist” and “dangerous” as the far-right, Macron has now indicated he will close ranks with the far-left to sabotage any chance Le Pen has of forming a majority.Source: modernity.newsDutch King Willem Alexander Swears in Geert Wilders’ New Right-Wing Government Which Gets Right to Work to Make Netherlands DUTCH AgainDutch King Willem Alexander has sworn in the first right-wing Dutch Government, led by Geert Wilders’ Freedom Party. Parting globalist Prime Minister Mark Rutte, failing upwards to become NATO Secretary-General, turned the Keys of the Torentje (“Little Tower”) in The Hague to Prime Minister Dick Schoof.“We are making history today!”Wilders wrote.Geert Wilders has been under police protection for 20 years since a crazed Islamist slaughtered Dutch filmmaker Theo van Gogh, great-grandson of the brother of painter Vincent van Gogh, on his bicycle in Amsterdam in 2004. He pinned a note to his van Gogh’s body with a knife, threatening Wilders and fellow Islam critic Ayaan Hirsi Ali. Ayaan Hirsi Ali eventually left the Netherlands for the United States.Source: thegatewaypundit.comHungary’s Orbán Announces New ‘Patriots For Europe’ Alliance With Austrian & Czech NationalistsAustria’s Freedom Party (FPÖ), Czechia’s ANO, and Hungary’s Fidesz have formed a newright-wing coalition, the parties’ respective leaders announced at a joint press conference in Vienna on Sunday.Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, former Czech Prime Minister Andrej Babiš, and Austrian opposition leader Herbert Kickl said the new alliance would hopefully entice others to join and become the largest nationalist political group in the European Parliament.“Today we are creating a political formation that will ‘forge ahead’ and very quickly become the strongest grouping and largest faction of the European right,”Orbán said.The Hungarian prime minister expects this to happen within days, and then the “sky will be the limit.”Orbán pointed out that the situation in Europe is clear, that European politics must change and change is needed in Europe.He underlined that in 20 of the 27 EU member states, parties that promised change to the citizens won the European Parliament elections.Source: zerohedge.comWarDefense Secretary Austin says the US will provide $2.3 billion more in military aid to UkraineDefense Secretary Lloyd Austin said Tuesday that the U.S. will soon announce an additional $2.3 billion in security assistance for Ukraine, to include anti-tank weapons, interceptors and munitions for Patriot and other air defense systems.Source: apnews.comCCP Could Use South China Sea Tensions to Gauge US Response to Allies: ExpertsTension in the South China Sea simmers after multiple confrontations between ships from China and the Philippines in the vital waterway in recent months.China could use the South China Sea to gauge the U.S. response to its allies as the communist regime extends its military expansion in the waterway, which is vital to the global economy, according to experts.‘Testing the Water’It’s possible that the regime uses its military aggression in the South China Sea to test the potential for conflict in the Taiwan Strait and gauge the U.S. resolve to defend its allies, Ms. Teufel Dreyer said. However, she said the situation in Taiwan is “very different” from that in the Philippines.Taiwan “has shown itself much more willing and capable of fighting back than the Philippines,” she said.Manila, however, intends to rely on the help from its allies.Ms. Teufel Dreyer said that the Philippines habitually let the United States stand up for them.“In other words, they will allow the United States to fight with China, but [they] basically stayed out of it,” she said.That’s why, she said, the United States has “a lot more at stake” in Taiwan than it does in the Philippines.“China has no problem with testing the waters” in the South China Sea, and to see what the U.S. reactions would be, she added.Source: theepochtimes.comhttps://twitter.com/mm_hassanein/status/1808172814144348653she is the third Biden Administration appointee to quitTrump says he can end the Russia-Ukraine war in one day. Russia’s UN ambassador says he can’tDonald Trump has said repeatedly he can settle the war between Russia and Ukraine in one day if he’s elected president Donald Trump has said repeatedly he could settle thewar between Russia and Ukrainein one day if he’s elected president again. Russia’s United Nations ambassador says he can’t.Source: abcnews.comFalse FlagsJury Rules in Favor of Freedom: Blue Cross BlueShield of Tennessee Ordered to Pay Almost $700,000 to Employee Fired for Refusing COVID VaccineIn a landmark decision, a federal jury has ordered Blue Cross BlueShield of Tennessee (BCBST) to pay nearly $700,000 to Tanja Benton, a former employee who was terminated for refusing the COVID-19 vaccine based on her religious beliefs.Benton, who served as a Bio Statistical Research Scientist, asserts that her role involved minimal client interaction and no necessity for physical presence at medical facilities.Throughout her 16-year tenure, Benton primarily worked independently and remotely, especially during the pandemic, when she executed her duties without issue from March 2020 to November 2021. Despite this, BCBST enforced a company-wide vaccine mandate in August 2021, requiring all employees to be fully vaccinated as a condition of continued employment.Source: thegatewaypundit.com
  • June 27, 2024Biden Using Same Playbook, Medical Emergency? Everything Will Be On Full Display – Ep. 3389
  • June 26, 2024Chatter, Trains, Buses, Be Vigilant, Nowhere To Hide, My Fellow Americans… – Ep. 3388Watch The X22 Report On VideoNo videos foundClick On Picture To See Larger PictureThey green new scam just a hit new low, the earth is warming and cooling at the same time, temp is perfect. Greta warned us the earth would be in trouble in 5 years, its been 6 years. 16 Nobel prize winning economist attack Trump economic policies saying he might push inflation up. Huge boomerang coming. The [DS] has no place to hide, as the darkness falls so does the enemy. Communication blackout, cyber attacks prepped are readied. Patriots know the playbook. ISIS brought in illegals and ICE cannot locate them. Chatter, trains, buses be vigilant. As the debates approach the [DS] prepares to show their audience the true Biden. Trump puts out video which refers to an X (twitter). Prepare yourself, the storm is coming.EconomyWe’ve been accidentally cooling the planet — and it’s about to stopIt is widely accepted that humans have been heating up the planet for over a century by burning coal, oil and gas. Earth has already warmed by almost 1.2 degrees Celsius (2.2 degrees Fahrenheit) since preindustrial times, and the planet is poised to race past the hoped-for limit of 1.5 degrees Celsius of warming.But fewer people know that burning fossil fuels doesn’t just cause global warming – it also causes globalcooling. It is one of the great ironies of climate change that air pollution, which has killed tens of millions, has also curbed some of the worst effects of a warming planet.Source: yahoo.comSo we have created global warming and cooling at the same time. Why did they have to change the narrative its because the earth is in cooling phase. So what they are saying warming and cooling at the same time means the temp is perfect.https://twitter.com/BjornLomborg/status/1671488624712458240?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1671488624712458240%7Ctwgr%5E78660d07c8b6a91dad10a2f5b79df3f5e39832e0%7Ctwcon%5Es1_c10&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.thegatewaypundit.com%2F2024%2F06%2F6-years-since-greta-thunberg-warned-5-years%2FUS New Home Sales Crashed In MayUS new home sales were expected to dip 0.2% MoM in May… but they didn’t…New home sales crashed 11.3% MoM(after April’s 4.7% drop was revised up to a 2.0% MoM rise). That is the biggest MoM drop since Sept 2022…Source: BloombergThis is the biggest YoY drop since Feb 2023, taking the SAAR down to the same level as it was in 2016…Source: BloombergMedian new home price fell 0.9% YoY to $417,400 – lowest since April 2023– (with the average selling price at $520,000) with a big downward revision for April from $433k to $417k!…Source: BloombergFor the first time since June 2021, median existing home prices are above median new home prices…Source: BloombergAs BofA warned yesterday:“The US housing market is stuck, and we are not convinced it will become unstuck anytime soon.Source: zerohedge.comhttps://twitter.com/KobeissiLetter/status/18059569173421347664 consecutive months, to their lowest level in 12 months. Elevated interest rates have been the primary driver of this recent trend. In the Midwest alone, home construction has decreased by 19% year-over-year. Is the housing market is beginning to stall?11 Signs That the U.S. Economy Is in Far Worse Shape Than Most People Think#1Just like in 2008, delinquencies are on the rise. In fact, credit card delinquencies have now reached the highest level that we have seenin more than 10 years…#2The commercial real estate crisis just continues to escalate. An articlethat originally appeared in the New York Timesclaims that major Wall Street banks have “begun offloading their portfolios of commercial real estate loans hoping to cut their losses”…#3When banks get into trouble, they start shutting down branches. So far this year, U.S. banks have closedmore than 400 branchesall over the country…#4Big companies are laying off workers from coast to coast. For example, approximately 500 Texas truckers just lost their jobs when a large logistics companyabruptly shut their doors for good…#5The Dallas Fed Services Index has now been in negative territoryfor 25 months in a row…#6The “restaurant apocalypse” just continues to intensify. This week, we learned that Hooters has suddenly decided to permanently shut downclose to 40 “underperforming” locations…#7Retail chains continue to go belly up at a staggering rate. Today, it was being reported that two large retailers in the Northeast have made a decisionto file for bankruptcy…#8We just learned that consumer confidence in the U.S.dropped lower this month…#9The initial consumer confidence reading has been revised downin 7 of the last 8 months.#10Housing in the U.S. is now more unaffordablethan it has ever been before…#11As I discussedyesterday, the homeless population in the city of Chicagotripledfrom January 2023 to January 2024…Source /basedunderground.com16 Nobel Prize Winners Sign Letter Decrying Trump’s Economic Policies, and the Reasoning Is InsaneRemember that letter signed by 51 “current and former intelligence officials” claiming the Hunter Biden laptop was Russian disinformation? Well, we’ve now got the economic version of that after 16 Nobel Prize-winning economists got together to sound the alarm on Donald Trump’s economic policies.The game is simple. A bunch of left-wing “experts” in a given field all sign their name to a proclamation. The press then runs with it as if it is the absolute authority on the issue. Sure enough, that’s happening again. Here’s CNN reporting the news while not even bothering to mention howSixteen of the world’s most notable economists — all Nobel Prize winners — are warning that former President Donald Trump could stoke inflation if he wins the presidency in November and moves forward with his economic plans.Source: redstate.comhttps://twitter.com/StephenM/status/1805956754603114945This is the perfect setup, when the Fed cut rates and the market comes down, who do you think they are going to believe, the biden,fed,economist?Political/RightsAdam Kinzinger Endorses Joe Biden After Years of Aiding DemocratsAdam Kinzinger, a former Republican congressman from Illinois, endorsed President Joe Biden for reelection on Wednesday, alleging hisunwavering support for democracy as a “proud conservative.”Source: breitbart.comhttps://twitter.com/TheStormRedux/status/1805923853136285840https://twitter.com/charliekirk11/status/1806044838531666311Under the inherent contempt power of the House, the recalcitrant witness may be arrested and brought to trial before the bar of the House, with the offender facing possible incarceration. 3 Hinds Sec. 1685.https://twitter.com/JackStr42679640/status/1805709638731477056of providing oversight for a criminal conspiracy to violate 4th Amendment rights of American lawyers and journalists inside the Ecuadorian embassy. The CIA, and UC Global/UC Global director David R. Morales Guillen, are also listed as defendants.WikiLeaks cache of 45,000 DNC emails deleted after founder Julian Assange reaches plea deal with USThe homepage of the leak on WikiLeaks now just states “Internal Server Error” when trying to be reached by users.Following WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange reaching aplea dealwith the United States that sawAssangeplead guilty to conspiring to obtain and disclose classified national defense information, WikiLeaks’ entire database on the nearly 45,000 emails leaked from the Democratic National Committee have been deleted.The homepage of the leak on WikiLeaks now just states “Internal Server Error” when trying to be reached by users. Anarchived versionof the page stated that beginning on July 22, 2016, WikiLeaks “released over 2 publications 44,053 emails and 17,761 attachments from the top of the US Democratic National Committee — part one of our new Hillary Leaks series.”Source: thepostmillenial.comhttps://twitter.com/17ThankQ/status/1805910441086103756In Their possession ,1595Jun 26, 2018 11:10:09 PM EDTQ!CbboFOtcZsID: 267e20No. 1918277Desperate agencies do stupid things.Dead cat bounce.You may have the site but WE HAVE THE SOURCE.https://mobile.twitter.com/wikileaks/status/1011441579565953025Panic is good.Panic is right. July 2018 – the month the world discovered the TRUTH. Conspiracy no more.Time to FEED.Q1842Aug 11, 2018 1:12:31 PM EDTQ!!mG7VJxZNCIID: 000000No. 139These people are stupid! https://www.cohenmilsteinprocessserver.com“Never Interfere With an Enemy While He’s in the Process of Destroying Himself.” Discovery. http://thehill.com/policy/cybersecurity/400882-wikileaks-says-senate-panel-requested-assange-testimony-in-russia-probe Do you believe in coincidences?WE HAVE THE SOURCE.Qhttps://twitter.com/TheNotoriousLMC/status/1805932448363970985
  • June 25, 2024Assange Free, June ETA, States Can Verify Citizenship Status Of Voters, It Has Begun – Ep. 3387Watch The X22 Report On VideoNo videos foundClick On Picture To See Larger PictureThe green power agenda does not work, the world has now seen this and the world is now rejecting this narrative. AG block Biden student loan cancellation. Milei’s plan is working, inflation at 0%. Gaetz pushes bill to allow people to pay taxes with Bitcoin, steps to make it legal tender.The [DS] is losing on all fronts. Assange was freed, June ETA confirmed. The clock is ticking down and the people are going to learn the truth. When do you play the Trump card? America First Legal, shows the states the way, each state can verify the citizenship status of the voters. They can request this from DHS, this is already law. It has begun, We The People Are Taking Back The Country.Economyhttps://twitter.com/WallStreetSilv/status/1805631789311963541https://twitter.com/GRDecter/status/1805603448131354826https://twitter.com/AGAndrewBailey/status/1805357030888423743BIDENOMICS: Hooters Abruptly Closes 40 Locations, Citing Rampant InflationThe iconic restaurant chain Hooters has abruptly announced the closure of 40 locations nationwide, citing the rising cost of food and rent.The restaurant chain, known for its attractive and scantily dressed waitresses, will close stores in Florida, Kentucky, Rhode Island, Texas, and Virginia.Meanwhile, a recentsurveyby Lending Tree found that having once been an affordable alternative for lower-income workers, nearly 80 percent of Americans now consider fast food to be a “luxury item.”Source: thegatewaypundit.comhttps://twitter.com/KobeissiLetter/status/1805576728753930448during the 2008 Financial Crisis, this metric dropped by ~13% and by ~4% in the early 2000s recession. The largest decline in history took place during the 2020 Pandemic with a 20% decline. Meanwhile, consumer sentiment has decreased for a 3rd straight month to its lowest level since November 2023. Inflation is taking its toll on consumers.Javier Milei Leads Argentina to a Week With No Food Inflation for First Time in 30 YearsFor 30 years, Argentines faced rising food prices every week.Every week for 30 years.Translation: Argentina achieves first week without food inflation in 30 yearsSource: legalinsurrection.comhttps://twitter.com/KobeissiLetter/status/1805583979447246943Gaetz unveils bill allowing bitcoin tax paymentsRep.Matt Gaetz(R-Fla.) introduced a bill that would allow Americans to pay their federal income tax in bitcoin.Gaetz said the radical move would “promote innovation, increase efficiency, and offer more flexibility to American citizens.”“This is a bold step toward a future where digital currencies play a vital role in our financial system, ensuring that the U.S. remains at the forefront of technological advancement,” he said in a statement.The congressman cited his recent visit to El Salvador — which in 2021 became the first country to allow bitcoin as a legal currency — as the inspiration for the bill.Colorado was the first government toapprove cryptocurrency paymentsfor taxes in 2022. Utah, New Jersey and Kentucky have also made moves toward approving the payment.Source: thehill.comPolitical/RightsOakland Mayor Sheng Thao Speaks Out After FBI Raided Her Home, Blames “Radical Right-Wing” Conspiracy For Wanting to Push Her Out of Office (VIDEO)The Democrat Oakland Mayor who was raided by the FBI lashed out at right-wingers in a presser.Oakland Mayor Sheng Thao spoke out after the FBI raided on her home last week and blamed a “radical right-wing” conspiracy for wanting to push her out of office.FBI agents were seen taking boxes full of items from Sheng Thao’s home.“The FBI raid at Thao’s house in Oakland’s Lincoln Highlands neighborhood was conducted simultaneously with raids on the homes and an office associated with David and Andy Duong, who, along with other family members, operate California Waste Solutions, Oakland’s contracted recycler.” ABC 7 reported.“While the FBI didn’t release information about the raid, Thao, the Duongs and Cal Waste are all under investigation by the Oakland Public Ethics Commission, which is looking into alleged illegal campaign finance contributions.” ABC 7 reported.Source: thegatewaypundit.comhttps://twitter.com/charliekirk11/status/1805619076406165887JUST IN: Hunter Biden Requests New Gun Trial After Jury Returns Guilty VerdictHunter Biden on Monday requested a new gun trial after a jury returned a guilty verdict.Hunter’s lawyers last weekfiled a motion for a new gun trialbut they withdrew it without explanation.Fox Newsreported:Biden’s defense attorney Abbe Lowell filed the motion Monday, arguing the federal court in Delaware lacked jurisdiction to go to trial earlier this month. The motion comes one week after Lowell filed a similar motion, but quickly withdrew it without explanation.Source: thegatewaypundit.comCourt Suspends Hunter Biden’s Law License After Guilty VerdictHunter Biden’s Washington, D.C., law license was suspended Tuesday as a result of his felony conviction.Source: dailycaller.comhttps://twitter.com/America_2100/status/1805612408523669628BREAKING: Julian Assange Freed After Reaching Plea Deal with Justice Department (VIDEO)WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has been freed after reaching a plea deal with the United States Justice Department.Assange has been imprisoned in the UK’s Belmarsh prison for the last five years after spending seven years in the Ecuadorian Embassy with questionable protection of political asylum.https://twitter.com/wikileaks/status/1805391265489731716?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1805391265489731716%7Ctwgr%5E1263d04aef0606958e2d532489465fa019b69991%7Ctwcon%5Es1_c10&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.thegatewaypundit.com%2F2024%2F06%2Fbreaking-julian-assange-be-freed-after-reaching-plea%2FOn Monday evening,NBC Newsreported:Under the deal, Assange will appear in that court to be sentenced to 62 months in prison, with credit for the time he has already served in Belmarsh. This will allow him to return to his home in Australia.The charges he will plead guilty to fall under “Conspiracy To Obtain and Disclose National Defense Information.”Source: thegatewaypundit.comhttps://twitter.com/Ultrafrog17/status/1805440351265546250it not seem like things are coalescing here into a perfect truth storm? A lot of people should be panicking right about now. Assange knows where many bodies are buried and he was persecuted for years because of it. Things could be getting very spicy here soon. Protect Julian Assange at all costs!https://twitter.com/Geiger_Capital/status/1805430176412573745White House claims it had no role in Julian Assange deal — despite Biden saying he was ‘considering’ itthe White House denied Tuesdaythat it was involved in the feds’ plea deal allowing WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange to go to Australia — despite President Biden previously saying he was “considering” it.“This was an independent decision made by the Department of Justice, and there was no White House involvement in the plea deal decision,” said Adrienne Watson, a spokeswoman for the White House National Security Council.Source: nypost.com1195Q!xowAT4Z3VQID:d7571eNo.1109139Apr 19 2018 21:21:44 (EST)AnonymousID:fe9998No.1108927Apr 19 2018 21:14:29 (EST)>>1108897When will we find out about Seth Rich and Las Vegas??>>1108927SR connect to DNC.MS_13.JA.Why did the D’s push legal rep on family?June ETA.Q1591Q!CbboFOtcZsID:388aeeNo.1916327Jun 26 2018 20:27:15 (EST)AnonymousID:86d85eNo.1916245Jun 26 2018 20:23:23 (EST)>>1916177>>1916147>>1915880SR & JA in JUNEAnything?>>1916245JA in the news?Think JC.Server unlocks SR.MS_13 (2 187’d nearby) phones unlock command & control.ETA (estimated).It has begun.Q1595Jun 26, 2018 11:10:09 PM EDTQ!CbboFOtcZsID: 267e20No. 1918277Desperate agencies do stupid things.Dead cat bounce.You may have the site but we have the source.https://mobile.twitter.com/wikileaks/status/1011441579565953025Panic is good. Panic is right. July 2018 – the month the world discovered the TRUTH.Conspiracy no more.Time to FEED.QGeopolitical/Police State
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Name: Ray Christiansen

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Introduction: My name is Ray Christiansen, I am a fair, good, cute, gentle, vast, glamorous, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.