Roasted Turnips (Air Fryer or Oven Recipe) (2024)

Roasted turnips might just be one of my new favorite discoveries while eating low carb! They’re subtly sweet, oh so creamy, and they make the perfect side dish for breakfast or dinner!

I’ve been on a big radish kick lately since those are such a great replacement for potatoes, but I think I was beginning to burn out my family.

I switched things up and started playing around with turnips.

To be honest, we’d never eaten turnips before recently so these were totally new to us and I’m happy to report: They’re a hit!

I busted out the air fryer for this recipe, because I love how quickly it cooks things and how easy it is to use without heating up the whole oven/kitchen, but I’m also including instructions for roasting turnips in the oven below. Check the recipe card for details!

How to make roasted turnips in the air fryer:

To start, you’ll want to grab a couple of turnips. I like to peel mine before cooking, but it’s not strictly necessary.

Dice the turnips up into small chunks.

I’m keeping these roasted turnips nice and simple and just tossing them in a little oil and seasoning. You can add whatever seasonings you like though.

I use avocado oil(affiliate link), because it’s a nice neutral oil, great at high temperatures, and it’s keto-friendly.

I seasoned the turnips with paprika, salt, and pepper. Super simple, but feel free to play with the spices to suit your tastes.

Toss the turnips in your preheated air fryer and cook for about 10 minutes. Shake the basket halfway through cooking.

They come out all roasted on the outside and super creamy on the inside.

Serve these turnips alongside my baked cod or one of my shrimp recipes!

How to roast turnips in the oven:

The same method applies as above.

Season up your turnips, but place them on a baking sheet instead of in an air fryer.

Roast at 450 degrees for 20-25 minutes.

They get so soft and creamy and delicious.

What do turnips taste like:

Turnips have a bad rep of being bitter. And yes, they definitely can be bitter – the larger and more old a turnip is, the more bitter it will taste. Choose turnips that are about the size of a tennis ball.

Roasting them like this helps bring out the natural sweetness.

Are turnips good for a low carb or keto diet?

Turnips are perfect for a low carb or keto diet!

1 medium turnip has 8 grams of carbs and 2.2 grams of fiber, making one whole turnip just 5.8 net carbs.

They’re also a good source of Vitamin C!

What air fryer do you recommend?

I only have experience with one brand/model of air fryer, but I’m very happy with it and it has amazing reviews on Amazon, which is why I purchased it.

I use theOMORC Air Fryer XL. It’s 5.8 quarts which means that it’s large enough to hold plenty of food. Some of those air fryers are tiny (which is fine for small households!), but I wanted a bigger one for my family of four.

It’s dishwasher safe, too. Always a win in my book.

More low carb side dish recipes:

Cauliflower Casserole: You won’t miss the potatoes with this one!

Brussels Sprouts with Bacon: Bacon really does make everything better!

Broccoli Salad: If you love cheddar, bacon, and ranch you really have to try this!

Coleslaw: This is my mama’s famous recipe!

Broccoli Casserole: The cheesiest!

Roasted Turnips (Air Fryer or Oven Recipe) (8)


Roasted Turnips (Air Fryer or Oven Recipe)

Roasted turnips in the air fryer turn out so creamy and delicious in just 15 minutes.

4.35 from 52 votes

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Prep5 minutes minutes

Cook10 minutes minutes

Total15 minutes minutes

Serves 4 servings


  • 4 medium turnips
  • 2 teaspoons avocado oil
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons paprika
  • 1 teaspoon sea salt
  • 1 teaspoon cracked pepper
  • 2 teaspoons minced parsley


  • Preheat the air fryer to 390 degrees or the oven to 450 degrees.

  • Peel and dice the turnips and place them in a medium mixing bowl.

  • Add the avocado oil, paprika, sea salt, and pepper to the bowl and toss to coat.

  • Spread the turnips in an even layer in the air fryer basket or on a large baking sheet.

  • Air fry for 10 minutes, shaking the basket once halfway through cooking. Alternately, bake for 20-25 minutes or until the turnips are as soft and browned as you'd like.

  • Sprinkle with parsley just before serving.

Tips & Notes:

Buying smaller turnips will result in a sweeter, more mild flavor. The larger turnips have stronger flavors.

Nutrition Information:

Serving: 1| Calories: 51kcal (3%)| Carbohydrates: 9g (3%)| Protein: 1g (2%)| Fat: 3g (5%)| Polyunsaturated Fat: 2g| Sodium: 549mg (24%)| Fiber: 3g (13%)| Sugar: 4g (4%)| Net Carbs: 6g (12%)

Author: Karly Campbell

Course:Side Dishes


Keyword:air fryer recipes, roasted turnips

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Roasted Turnips (Air Fryer or Oven Recipe) (2024)


What is the appropriate method of cooking turnips? ›

Place the turnips in a pot and cover with about 2 inches of salted water. Bring to a boil, adjust the heat and simmer until the turnips are tender when pierced with a toothpick or the tip of a paring knife, 20 to 30 minutes. Step three: Season and serve. Drain the turnips and season with salt and pepper.

What is the best way to eat turnips? ›

Small turnips are delicious raw – eat whole or slice thinly. Alternatively, you can steam, roast or braise the roots. Larger turnips are best peeled and steamed, boiled or mashed. Chunks of turnip are often added to casseroles or soups.

Do you have to peel turnips before you roast them? ›

It's not essential to peel turnips before cooking. If this skin appears to be thin enough you can leave it on and cook as is. However if the skin feels thick and leathery, you can peel it off with a sharp knife or vegetable peeler. Both the roots and leaves, also known as turnip greens, are safe to eat.

How do you get the bitterness out of turnips? ›

How do you get the bitterness out of turnips? Smaller turnips tend to be sweeter and less bitter, so start by selecting fresh, small, tender turnips and peeling them. Adding a little sugar to your turnips after cooking can also help to counteract any bitterness.

What makes turnips taste better? ›

You can't make turnips taste better because they are the best tasting food there ever could be. Roast them instead of boiling them. Serve with salt, pepper, and butter. You can use other spices or things like vinegar too if you like.

What makes turnips taste good? ›

Milk, salt and pepper go in as the drained vegetables are mashed. A small amount of sugar is often added to help smooth out any rough flavour edges, but when working with garden-grown turnips that mature in cool soil, taste before adding sugar.

What is the side effect of turnip? ›

Side-Effects & Allergies of Turnips

If you are suffering from thyroid disorders, it is best to avoid eating turnips as this vegetable contains certain compounds that may affect the thyroid gland and interfere in the functioning of the hormone.

Why put baking soda in turnips? ›

One turnip website from the United Kingdom notes that if you boil them, add a little sugar to tame the scent and add baking soda to reduce bitterness.

Are turnips good or bad for you? ›

Turnips have an excellent nutritional profile. Like other cruciferous vegetables, they're low in calories but pack plenty of vitamins and minerals. A 1-cup (130-gram) serving of cubed raw turnips contains ( 3 ): Calories: 36.

What does roasted turnip taste like? ›

In the hands of an able cook, a well-cooked turnip tastes heavenly. When roasted, the natural sugars are allowed to caramelize, resulting in a crispy-tender side dish that tastes like a cross between a potato and a carrot.

Are roasted turnips bitter? ›

And if their reputation for bitterness scares you or your kids, fear not. Roasting brings out their natural sweetness. Another secret is how you peel them. Bitter notes lie just under the surface of the skin, but you can eliminate this if you go a little deeper when peeling them.

How do you make roasted turnips less bitter? ›

How do you get the bitterness out of turnips? Peel the turnip about ¼" down, below the yellow bitterness line you can see when you cut the turnip in half. Boil the turnips in salt water. Add a few potatoes to the boiling water.

What do you eat turnips with? ›

Roasting mellows the flavor of turnips and concentrates their texture into a tender, melting vegetable. Serve these easy roasted turnips with other roasted vegetables (the sweetness of carrots is a good complement) alongside roasted meats or with a simple roasted chicken.

Why are my turnips tough? ›

Any root crop (potatoes, carrots, radishes, parsnips, turnips) needs a fine- textured, well-drained soil to grow properly. If the soil is too heavy, the crop will rot. If the soil is too lumpy or rocky, the roots will be tough, fibrous and misshapen.

Why does my turnip taste bitter? ›

Bitter greens are leafy greens or vegetables that have an intense bitter flavor profile. They include kale, mustard greens, collards, turnip greens, broccoli rabe, radicchio, chicory, and endive. The bitterness comes from chemical compounds called glucosinolates that can be found in the Brassica family.

What texture should turnips be when cooked? ›

However, I learned that turnips are just not the same as potatoes. Cooked turnips hold a lot more water and are much more fibrous. This results in a cooked product that has more water content and texture than your typical potato dish.

Does baking soda remove bitterness from turnips? ›

One turnip website from the United Kingdom notes that if you boil them, add a little sugar to tame the scent and add baking soda to reduce bitterness.

Do turnips get soft when cooked? ›

Scatter the wedges over a parchment-lined baking tray, sprinkle with nutmeg and a bit of salt, and then roast for about 30 minutes, flipping the wedges partway through to ensure even browning. The turnips are ready when they are golden on the outside and soft on the inside.

Should turnips be hard or soft? ›

Turnips will feel firm and heavy with crisp green tops. Check for a sweet aroma. Turnips are generally white at the bottom with a light purple blush on the top of the bulb. Turnips can be stored in a vegetable crisper or plastic bag in the refrigerator for about two weeks.

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Name: Gregorio Kreiger

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Introduction: My name is Gregorio Kreiger, I am a tender, brainy, enthusiastic, combative, agreeable, gentle, gentle person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.