Mobility Scooters | Top Mobility Canada (2024)

What is a Mobility Scooter?

A mobility scooter, also referred to as a handicap scooter, disability scooter, or medical scooter, is an aid similar to a wheelchair, and is designed like a motor scooter, but with an electric drive system. Running on a battery, or multiple rechargeable batteries - depending on the type of electric mobility scooter, these mobility aids can improve the quality of life for those who require assistance with short journeys, or have trouble walking long distances, among other benefits.

A medical mobility scooter is perfect for individuals who are able to walk short distances, stand, and sit in an upright position, without the aid of any torso support and are still able to control a steering wheel or tiller. Individuals with existing disability conditions like diabetes, arthritis, COPD, and similar, have found the aid of a mobility scooter ideal.

Mobility scooters usually have a seat over two rear wheels, platform, or footpegs, and can come in 3-wheels or 4-wheels versions. Range and speed, size and weight capacity, drive and features, vary from unit to unit, with many options and accessories available depending on an individual’s specific needs. How you intend to use your handicap scooter and how often, in addition to how it will be stored, and transported, will help determine the best model and type of scooter.

How do I know which mobility scooter is right for me?

Mobility scooters come in a wide range of styles in order to meet the needs of as many people as possible. While this makes it possible to find a mobility scooter that meets your exact needs, it can make choosing your mobility scooter a challenge. This guide will help you decide which disability scooter is the best choice for you. Before we get into the different types of scooters we will talk about some key factors to keep in mind when choosing a mobility scooter.

What will you be using your mobility scooter for?

The first thing to consider is probably the simplest but also the most important: “Where will your mobilityscooter be used the most?” Are you planning a trip in the near future and need a mobility scooter you can bring along with you? You want something that is lightweight and easy to transport. Do you intend to use the handicapscooter all day? Then you will want to look for a mobility scooter with a longer battery life. Will you be using it indoors or outdoors? Or both? These are just a few possible use cases to consider. Take a minute and think about what your mobility scooter needs to do for you. Do you need a medicalscooter for everyday activities, like a trip to the store, or are you looking to enjoy the outdoors and have a little fun offroad? Once you identify what needs your electricscooter will fulfill the rest of this guide will help you narrow down your options and find the perfect mobilityscooter for you.

3 Wheels or 4 Wheels?

Mobility Scootersare available with either 3 or 4 wheels. So, what's the difference? Generally speaking, a 3-wheel mobilityscooter will have a tighter turning radius than a 4-wheel mobilityscooter giving it better maneuverability and allowing it to navigate narrow spaces and sharp turns. If you have little to no trouble walking a 3-wheel mobilityscooter might be for you. While 4-wheel mobilityscooters have a larger turning radius, they distribute weight more evenly, which equates to more stability. If you use a walking aid, such as a cane or a walker, 4-wheel handicapscooters are recommended due to superior stability. Both types of electric mobility scooters can be used indoors and outdoors but, the maneuverability of the 3 wheel electric scooters makes them great for indoors, whereas the 4-wheel mobilityscooters perform better outdoors because of their increased stability. Which one is better? That depends on your specific needs and concerns. If balance is an issue for you or you will spend a lot of time outdoors, then a 4 wheel mobility scooteris probably a good option. If you need to get around tight indoor spaces on a regular basis, 3 wheel disability scooters could be the way to go. Keep in mind that the number of wheels is just one factor to consider; 3 and 4-wheel mobilityscooters are available in a variety of sizes and can serve many purposes.

Technical Details to Consider

•Weight Capacity - This refers to the maximum amount of weight the mobility scooter can safely support under normal operating conditions, usually displayed in pounds.

•Speed - A mobility scooter’s top speed, is typically in miles per hour, but can sometimes be shown in kilometers per hour. A mobility scooter’s performance can vary slightly based on factors such as terrain, incline, passenger weight, and battery levels.

•Travel Range -The furthest distance the mobility scooter can travel with a fully charged battery. As with speed, travel range can vary slightly based on factors such as terrain, incline, passenger weight, and battery levels.

•Turning Radius - The amount of space required for the scooter to turn around and face the opposite direction.

•Dimensions -The physical size of the mobility scooter. This commonly refers to the length, width, and height of the device, but many manufacturers will further break the dimensions down and include measurements such as ground clearance, seat width and depth, distance from the scooter’s deck to the bottom of the seat, tiller height, wheel size, and other finer details.

•Weight - The overall weight of the mobility scooter, displayed in pounds or kilograms. On mobility scooters that disassemble manufacturers may include the weight of the heaviest portion of the scooter when broken down.

What are the different types of mobility scooters?

Now that you know a little bit more about mobility scooters, their uses, and some technical specifics to keep in mind we will dive a little deeper and take a look at the different types of mobility scooters. We can divide mobility scooters into these five groups:

•Folding Mobility Scooters

•Travel Mobility Scooters

•Full Size Mobility Scooters

•Heavy Duty Mobility Scooters

•Recreational Electric Scooters

3 wheel and 4 wheel models are available for each scooter type.

Folding Mobility Scooters

Mobility Scooters | Top Mobility Canada (1)

Folding mobility scooters are ideal for people who can get around okay but have trouble walking long distances. As their name implies folding electric scooters can fold up when not in use for easy transport and storage. Folding mobility scooters can be either manual folding or automatic folding in design. Manual folding mobility scooters can fold and unfold in seconds with little effort. Automatic folding mobility scooters use a remote control to fold and unfold. In addition to folding, certain models also disassemble to save even more space when traveling. Folding electric scooters travel well, with many models being FAA approved for safe air travel. Thanks to their lightweight design there are even folding mobility scooters that can be stored in the overhead compartment on airplanes. Not just built for convenience, folding travel scooters are also highly maneuverable with tighter turning radius’ than full-size mobility scooters. Able to fit inside the trunks or backseat of most vehicles, folding mobility scooters are ideal for cruises, vacations, museums, hotels, travel, or just a quick trip to the supermarket.

Mobility Scooters | Top Mobility Canada (2)

Folding Mobility Scooter Features:

•Convenient folding design

•Great for travel & vacations

•Fit easily in the trunks of most cars, SUV’s, and vans

•Fold for easy transport

•Allow you to travel when you might not otherwise

•Are simple to operate

•Cost less than mid size and full size scooters

•Can often be taken on airplanes (check before buying)

•Travel well on vacation and locally

•Typically weigh around 50 lbs or less fully assembled

•Do not need a vehicle lift

Shop Top Mobility's wide selection of Folding Mobility Scooters here.

Travel Mobility Scooters

Mobility Scooters | Top Mobility Canada (3)

Travel mobility scooters are a great choice for a mobility aid if you plan on traveling regularly, either on vacation or just locally. With a lightweight and maneuverable design, a travel electric mobility scooter can ensure you maintain your busy and active lifestyle. If you have challenges walking long distances or for extended periods of time a travel mobility scooter can help you go even further on your next trip or family outing. Travel scooters disassemble into smaller and lighter pieces that can fit in the trunks of most medium-size cars, SUVs, and vans. Able to break down very easily and quickly travel electric scooters are easy to transport. When disassembling a travel handicap scooter the seat is usually removed first followed by the battery pack. The front, rear, and any additional pieces of the travel scooter are similarly separated from each other. Once fully disassembled the electric travel scooter is in a few easy-to-manage pieces and ready for transport or storage. The different sections of a fully disassembled travel mobility scooter will have different weights. Manufacturers will typically specify which portion of the travel scooter is the heaviest, usually the section containing the motor. This is important to take into consideration when purchasing your travel mobility scooter so you can ensure you will be able to safely lift the scooter once disassembled.

Mobility Scooters | Top Mobility Canada (4)

Travel Mobility Scooter Features:

•Great for vacations or traveling locally

•Disassemble into smaller pieces for easy transport

•Fit easily in the trunks of most mid-size cars, SUVs, and vans

•Allow you to travel when you might not otherwise

•Cost less than mid-size and full-size scooters

•Feature a universal accessory hitch for scooter accessories

•Are easy to operate

•Do not need a vehicle lift

Shop Top Mobility's wide selection of 3 Wheel Travel Scooters here and 4 Wheel Travel Scooters here.

Full Size Mobility Scooters

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Ideal for full-time use, full-size scooters offer extra comfort features, longer-lasting batteries, and more speed. Full-size mobility scooters are perfect for people who need help getting around on a regular basis and are looking for a mobility scooter that can be used every day. Full-size electric mobility scooters are perfect for theme parks and other all-day outings due to their superior comfort and safety features. Full-size mobility scooters are available in both 3 wheel and 4 wheel. As with other types of medical scooters, 3-wheel fullsize scooters feature a tighter turning radius than 4-wheel models, while the 4-wheel full size scooters provide greater stability. Both the 3-wheels and 4-wheels models can reach greater speeds than smaller scooter types and travel for longer distances. Another great advantage to a full-size mobility scooter is that it is capable of accommodating multiple scooter accessories. Mobility scooter accessories are easy to install and help to personalize your scooter. View our best-selling line of Challenger Mobility Accessories here.

Mobility Scooters | Top Mobility Canada (6)

Full-Size Scooter Features:

•Are designed for full-time, regular use

•Offer more advanced features for comfort and performance

•More comfortable than smaller styles of mobility scooter

•Feature longer driving ranges and higher weight capacities than travel mobility scooters

•Travel well locally

•Feature a universal accessory hitch for scooter accessories

•May need a mobility vehicle lift

•Can accommodate multiple accessories

Shop Top Mobility's wide selection of 3 Wheel Full Size Scooters here and 4 Wheel Full Size Scooters here.

Heavy Duty Mobility Scooters

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Heavy-duty mobility scooters, sometimes referred to as “high weight capacity” mobility scooters, offer more of everything - more speed, more bells and whistles, more comfort, and performance features. With higher weight capacities, longer driving ranges, and faster maximum speed, these large scooters are ideal if you will be using your scooter outdoors often. A heavy-duty mobility scooter is great for full-time use and ideal for the outdoors. With robust tires and strong suspensions, these high-performance scooters are made to go the distance and take you where you want, whenever you want. If you are going for a ride around the neighborhood or taking it offroad through the park, your heavy-duty electric mobility scooter will not let you down. Thanks to their size, heavy-duty mobility scooters come packed with features. Comfortable seating options, such as deluxe captain’s seats or reclining seatbacks, are available on many models. Just like with a full-size mobility scooter, a heavy-duty electric mobility scooter can handle a wide array of accessories. View our best-selling line of Challenger Mobility Accessories here.

Mobility Scooters | Top Mobility Canada (8)

Heavy-Duty Mobility Scooter Features:

•Can be used as your main transportation vehicle due to its long driving range

•Offer more advanced features for comfort, safety, and performance

•Feature a universal accessory hitch for scooter accessories

•Offer more leg and foot room

•Are ideal for outdoor use

•Feature higher ground clearance

•Come standard with illuminating lighting packages

•Feature longer driving ranges and higher weight capacities than travel and mid-size mobility scooters

•Often feature full suspension for a smoother ride •Need a compatible vehicle lift for transport

Shop Top Mobility's wide selection of 3 Wheel Heavy Duty Scooters here and 4 Wheel Heavy Duty Scooters here.

Recreational ElectricScooters

Mobility Scooters | Top Mobility Canada (9)

Recreational electric scooters are made to be driven for sheer pleasure, they offer faster top speeds and longer driving ranges than other types of mobility scooters. Recreational mobility scooters are great for people who want a more fun way to get the mail, “walk” the dog, or cruise around town. These scooters are for outdoor use only. If you have a long way to go and are looking for a stylish vehicle to get you where you want to go, a recreational scooter is perfect for you! Electric recreational scooters are some of the most diverse mobility scooters available, both in form and function. From models that are designed for offroad fun to ones are made for just a nice relaxing ride, recreational scooters come in a variety of designs. Recreational scooters come with a range of features designed to keep you safe and keep the fun rolling. Electromagnetic brakes provide near-instant stopping capabilities, while powerful headlights provide nighttime visibility. Some models come with safety belts to keep you secure. The eye-catching designs of recreational scooters set them apart from other scooters. From the sporty Challenger X to the regal Gatsby scooters, recreational scooters have something for every taste and style.

Mobility Scooters | Top Mobility Canada (10)

Recreational Scooter Features:

•Are mainly for outdoor use

•Offer more powerful motor transaxle

•Longer driving ranges and faster top speeds •Fun to drive and easy to operate

•Unique and stylish designs

•May need a compatible vehicle lift for transport

Shop Top Mobility's wide selection of Recreational Scooters here.

Transporting Your Mobility Scooter

While folding scooters and travel scooters are designed to fit in the trunk or backseat of most vehicles, full-size mobility scooters require a vehicle lift to transport them from place to place. The most commonly used lift is a powered outside lift. These lifts will attach to the hitch on the rear of your vehicle. Once installed, a hitch-mounted vehicle lift is easy to use. Just guide your mobility scooter onto the lift platform, secure it, and use the switch to raise the platform. Now you are ready to go. When you reach your destination simply reverse the process. Raising and lowering the scooter vehicle lift is done using the switch located on the lift. When not in use the scooter carrier folds into a resting position against the rear of the vehicle. Most vehicle lifts are available with a swing-away option for an additional charge. This will allow you to access your vehicle trunk from the outside while the lift is still attached. Your vehicle’s battery powers the scooter lift via a wire harness. Some lift models have the option for a rechargeable battery as well.

Before purchasing a mobility vehicle lift be sure to verify that is compatible with your vehicle or the vehicle you will be using to travel with your mobility scooter. One of the most important pieces of information to know when choosing your vehicle lift is the hitch class of your vehicle. The most common hitch classes are class 2 and class 3. The class refers to the dimensions and weight capacity of the hitch. Class 2 hitches have a 1.25-inch by 1.25-inch opening and can support up to 300 lbs. A class 3 hitch has a 2-inch by 2-inch opening and supports up to 500 lbs. Both classes are commonly found on mid-size cars, trucks, mini-vans, and SUVs. Note that the hitches' weight capacity refers to the combined weight of the mobility scooter and the scooter lift.

View our best-selling Freedom Fully Automatic Scooter Lift.

See all our mobility scooter lifts.

Accessories for your mobility scooter

Purchasing a new mobility scooter can greatly improve the quality of life for people with limited mobility. In order to get the most out of your electric mobility scooter we recommend that you personalize it to fit your needs.

At Top Mobility, we offer a wide range of premium accessories to make your riding experience safer, more convenient, and more enjoyable. From locking storage solutions to drink holders and safety vests, we have everything you need. Follow the links below to find the accessories you need.

Rear Basket

Front Baskets

Storage Compartments

Weather Covers

Armrest Bags

Seatback Bags

Safety Gear

Rear View Mirrors

Scooter Trailers

Drink Holders

Phone Holders

Oxygen Tank Holders

Walking Aid Holders

Scooter Canopies

Common Mobility Scooter Questions

Why should I buy a mobility scooter from Top Mobility?

We have partnered with the leading disability scooter brands in the industry in order to provide our customers with the highest quality mobility scooters available. Our vast selection of electric mobility scooters allows us to meet the unique needs of every customer. Read more about us here.

How do I buy a mobility scooter from Top Mobility?

We have three options available for you to purchase a mobility scooter from us. You can make your purchase directly through our website. You could also give us a call and we would be happy to take your order over the phone and answer any questions you have about mobility scooters. Lastly, you could come to one of our locations and our knowledgeable and friendly sales team will help you find the perfect mobility scooter for you. We have locations in Hudson and Naples Florida.

I have a question about my electric mobilityscooter.

We are always happy to answer any and all questions you may have regarding your mobility scooter. You can reach us at our toll-free customer service number 1-888-364-3813 or send us an email at [emailprotected]. You can also fill out our online contact form and we will respond within 24 hours.

Is financing available for mobility scooters?

Yes, we offer financing on all mobility scooters. View financing options hereor contact us for more information.

How much does shipping cost for a handicap scooter?

We offer free shipping on all of our mobility scooters. White-glove delivery is available for most handicap scooters at an additional cost, call for availability.

View our shipping policy here.

How will my mobility scooter arrive?

Most mobility scooters will arrive via a LTL Freight delivery. Smaller mobility scooters, such as certain folding handicap scooters, may arrive via standard ground transport. In the event your mobility scooter is delivered damaged please contact us as soon as possible and we will help resolve this issue. The video below explains the delivery process and what to do if there is an issue with your mobility scooter.

Do you ship disability scooters internationally?

We do ship mobility scooters internationally. Customers located in Canada can place their orders online or over the phone to be shipped directly from the United States to their home address. International customers outside of Canada must contact a freight forwarding company to arrange pickup from our location.

View more information on shipping to Canada here.

View our international shipping policy here.

Can I return my mobility scooter?

In the event you are not happy with your purchase, mobility scooters can be returned within 30 days of delivery. You can expect a refund of the full purchase minus shipping, handling, and restocking fees. There is a ten percent restock fee for mobility scooters.

View our full return policy here.

Can I order replacement parts for my mobility scooter?

Yes! We recommend calling in and speaking with one of our experts to ensure you are purchasing the correct part for your mobility scooter. Be sure to have your mobility scooter's model and serial number available when calling.

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Mobility Scooters | Top Mobility Canada (2024)
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