Is Couscous a Healthy Carb for Your Diet? (2024)

Couscous is a popular side dishthat is common in North African and Middle Eastern cuisine. It is made from small granules of semolina (pasta) and often accompanies meat, vegetables, or stew. Couscous calories and nutrition depend on the preparation method that you use, but it can be a nutritious addition to your meal.

Nutrition Facts

The following nutrition information is provided by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA)for 1 cup of plain couscous cooked with no added salt, seasoning, or fat.

  • Calories:176
  • Fat:0g
  • Sodium:8mg
  • Carbohydrates:36g
  • Fiber:2g
  • Sugars:0g
  • Protein:6g
  • Zinc: 0.4mg
  • Selenium: 43.2mcg
  • Niacin: 1.5mg
  • Vitamin B5: 0.6mg
  • Folate: 23.6mcg
  • Vitamin B6: 0.1mg


A single one-cup serving provides about 36 grams of carbohydrate or about 34net carbsbecause you gain two grams of fiber with each serving.

Most of the carbohydrate in couscous is starch. There is no naturally occurring or added sugar in couscous unless you buy a flavored variety that has had sugar added as an ingredient.

The estimated glycemic index of couscous is 65, making it a higher glycemic food than comparable side dishes like brown rice.


Plain couscous that has been cooked in water with no added butter or oilis a low-fat (almost fat-free)food. However, many prepared, boxed brands of couscous instruct you to add olive oil or another source of fat to the water before cooking. If you add any type of oil or butter to prepare couscous, you'll increase the fat content.


You'll get a nice six-gram boost of plant protein when you consume a single serving. You can increase the protein of your meal by adding shredded chicken or consuming couscous with fish such as tuna or salmon.

Vitamins and Minerals

Couscous provides 6 mg of niacin in a single serving of couscous, along with a healthy dose of vitamin B5 (0.6mg), thiamin (0.3 mg), vitamin B6, and folate.

Minerals in couscous include manganese (1.3 mg), phosphorus (294 mg), copper (0.4 mg), magnesium (76 mg), iron, zinc, calcium, and potassium.

Couscous Calories

Couscous contains 176 calories per cooked cup (157g). Of those calories, 85% come from carbs, 14% from protein, and 1% from fat.

Here are some calorie counts of comparable grains and grain-based foods per one cup serving:

  • White rice: 242 calories
  • Brown rice: 218 calories
  • Quinoa: 222 calories
  • Pasta: 22 calories

Quinoa vs. Rice: What's the Healthier Grain?

Health Benefits

You might enjoy couscous as a healthy alternative to white or brown rice. So, let's see how these popular side dishes compare.

Improves Digestive Health

One cup of cooked couscous has fewer calories and carbohydrates than both brown and white rice. There is more fiber in couscous than there is in white rice. But brown rice is the winner when it comes to fiber with 3 grams per cup. Fiber supports digestive health and can help you to feel full longer after eating. These nutritional benefits may help you to reach and maintain a healthy weight.

Regular couscous is made from processed semolina and is not a source of whole grains ora significant source of fiber.You can, however, buy couscous made from whole grain flour. A single serving of Bob's Red Mill Whole Wheat Pearl Couscous provides 7 grams of fiber.

Source of Muscle Supporting Protein

Protein is another macronutrient that can help you to reach and maintain a healthy weight. Protein also helps you to build and maintain strong muscles. Couscous provides more protein than both white and brown rice, although brown rice comes close.

Source of Energy Boosting Carbohydrates

Carbohydrates are the body's preferred source of energy. Active individuals should includeeven more carbohydratesin their balanced diet to support training and recovery. If you can find it, choose whole grain couscous as approximately half of your daily grain intake should come from whole grains.

May Help Prevent Cancer

Choosing whole grain couscous may help prevent cancer. People who consume a greater amount of grains than those who eat less tend to have a lower risk of developing colorectal, pancreatic, and gastric cancers.Researchers have found overwhelming evidence that those consuming more whole grains have fewer total deaths from cancer.

May Help Prevent Cardiovascular Disease

Whole grain couscous may improve overall heart health due to its fiber content. Consumingenough fiberimproves weight balance and cholesterol and blood sugar levels.Improving these aspects of your health also benefit your heart health, reducing their risks of heart disease and research shows those who consume more whole grains have a lower risk of developing cardiovascular disease.


If you have a wheat allergy, you should avoid couscous, according to the Food Allergy Research and Education Center. You may experience symptoms including hives or even severe reactions, such asanaphylaxis. The source recommends keeping anepinephrine auto-injector(such as an EpiPen) with you at all times.

If you have a gluten-allergy you should avoid couscous. Couscous isnot a gluten-free foodas some might expect. According togluten-free dietexpert Jane Anderson, the food should be avoided if you have celiac disease or gluten sensitivity. She adds that you diners who are gluten sensitive should "beware of couscous served in restaurants unless it's explicitly marketed as gluten-free."

Storage and Food Safety

If you buy a packaged variety of couscous and keep it sealed, it should stay fresh for roughly twelve months. However, once the product is cooked it should be refrigerated and will only stay fresh for a few days.

How to Prepare

The way you prepare your couscous makes a big difference in the nutritional benefits you gain when you eat it. Many peopleboil it in water with a small amount of butter or olive oil. In that case, the total calories will increase as well as the fat content, depending on the amount of butter or oil you use. If you sprinkle parmesan or other toppings into couscous, that will add more calories.

If you boil couscous in chicken stock or if you use a packaged brand of couscous, the calories may not change significantly, but the sodium level may increase. Plain couscous boiled in water only provides 13 milligrams of sodium, but when you cook it in salted chicken stock or if you add salt to the water, you'll increase your sodium intake. The Near East brand Broccoli and Cheese Couscous, for instance, provides 230 calories and 610 milligrams of sodium per serving.

If you want to include couscous ina healthy well-balanced meal,serve it as the base for other nutritious foods. Some traditional couscous dishes are served with creamy, high-fat sauces. But you can cut the sauce and focus on fresh ingredients for a lower fatmeal. Try preparing aroast chicken with couscousor couscouswith roasted red peppers, feta, and mint.

Keep in mind that you don't need a recipe to make couscous. Simply boil the grain in water orstock as directed on the package label. Depending on the amount you cook, it will take just a few minutes to fluff up and cook. Then throw in fresh herbs, top with your favorite roastedvegetables or simply spoon it next to a piece of lean grilled fish or poultry for a healthy, satisfying meal.

Is Couscous a Healthy Carb for Your Diet? (2024)


Is Couscous a Healthy Carb for Your Diet? ›

Rich in selenium, couscous can help boost your immune system and reduce your risk of some diseases like cancer. Nevertheless, while couscous has health and nutrition benefits, it may not be the best carb choice for everyone. It contains gluten, making it off limits for some.

Is couscous a healthy carb? ›

Though couscous is not considered a low carb food, that doesn't mean that it's unhealthy. While it may not be suitable for individuals counting their daily carb intake, it's an excellent food for those looking to live a healthier lifestyle.

Can I eat cous cous every day? ›

From being a rich source of protein to its relatively high fibre content, couscous offers a nutritional boost that can positively impact your overall well-being and offer a welcome alternative to eating pasta every day of the week.

What is the healthiest couscous? ›

Whole wheat couscous is more nutritious that the regular variety. It's made from whole wheat durum flour. It contains 5 to 6 grams of fiber per serving, which can help you meet the recommended daily amount of fiber. Couscous has a mild flavor which makes it extremely versatile.

What couscous does to your body? ›

Whole-grain couscous is a good source of fiber. Fiber is good for you in a lot of ways. It can stop your blood sugar from spiking and can keep you fuller longer. It also can help lower cholesterol, which can reduce your chances of heart disease.

Is couscous better for you than potatoes? ›

While couscous provides a small amount of potassium, fruits and plant-based foods, such as avocado, bananas or potatoes, are far better sources of potassium. Couscous is high in carbs and may not be the best choice for individuals with blood sugar issues, celiac disease or non-celiac gluten sensitivity.

Does couscous spike blood sugar? ›

No, couscous is not considered low glycemic. Couscous is a type of pasta made from semolina wheat, which has a high glycemic index. Foods with a high glycemic index are quickly digested and cause a rapid rise in blood sugar levels.

Is couscous healthier than pasta or rice? ›

Pasta and white rice have the highest calories, while couscous and quinoa have the fewest calories.

Is couscous better than quinoa? ›

Couscous is not gluten-free, but quinoa is gluten-free. Compared to couscous, quinoa has stronger anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects. With 7 percent fewer calories per 100 grams of cooked couscous than quinoa, it is healthier for weight loss. Every 100 grams of cooked quinoa has 120 calories.

Is couscous full of sugar? ›

Most of the carbohydrate in couscous is starch. There is no naturally occurring or added sugar in couscous unless you buy a flavored variety that has had sugar added as an ingredient.

What to serve with couscous? ›

Couscous can be served as a side dish or a main meal, and goes well with beef, chicken, fish, lamb or as part of a vegetarian meal (with beans, tofu, etc.) You can also stir in additional ingredients (vegetables, nuts, dried fruit) to add something special to your couscous and make it a more substantial dish.

What are the side effects of eating couscous? ›

As I mentioned, couscous is a gluten-containing pasta, so anyone with celiac disease or a gluten sensitivity should steer clear. Couscous may also cause unwanted spikes in blood sugar and should be eaten with caution by people with diabetes symptoms. You can be allergic to any food, including couscous.

Is couscous good for bowels? ›

Source of fibre. Couscous is a source of fibre, but to optimise levels, it's worth looking for wholemeal couscous, which is made from the whole grain. Fibre supports digestive health and alleviates constipation, and research suggests it may help improve levels of beneficial bacteria in the gut.

Is couscous safe for kidneys? ›

Bulgur, buckwheat, pearled barley, and couscous are nutritious, lower-phosphorus grains that can make a good substitute for brown rice. Brown rice has a high content of phosphorus and potassium and will likely need to be portion-controlled or limited on a renal diet.

Can I eat couscous on a low carb diet? ›

5. Couscous. Couscous is a processed grain product that's typically made from semolina flour or durum wheat. A staple in many Middle Eastern and Moroccan dishes, couscous is relatively low in carbs, with around 34.5 grams of net carbs in each 1 cup (157 gram) serving of cooked couscous ( 16 ).

Is couscous or rice better for you? ›

A healthier alternative to white rice

Couscous provides more protein and a greater contribution of vitamins and minerals than the equivalent portion of white rice.

Which is healthier, couscous or quinoa? ›

Compared to couscous, quinoa has stronger anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects. With 7 percent fewer calories per 100 grams of cooked couscous than quinoa, it is healthier for weight loss. Every 100 grams of cooked quinoa has 120 calories. Every 100 grams of cooked couscous has 112 calories.

Is couscous any healthier than pasta? ›

Couscous has a nutritional profile similar to white pasta, high in carbohydrates without other health benefits such as fiber or protein content. If you are looking to enjoy food with a higher carbohydrate content, there isn't much difference between choosing pasta or couscous.

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